




Kinzigtal(德国的一个地区)位于德国西南部,处于人群健康管理的最前沿,并拥有16年的成功表现。本文是与Dr. Christoph Löschmann和Dr. Helmut Hildebrandt一起撰写的,给出了关于这种新的医疗服务模式如何转变医疗服务的洞见,同时得到更好的患者结局更低的整体医疗成本

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  • 创建一个全集成网络
  • 实行“按值收费”激励方案
  • 在医疗机构中追求质量文化
  • 在人群中促进预防和自我管理治疗
  • 利用创新技术

阅读本文,了解Gesundes Kinzigtal是如何为患者提供高价值的医疗服务,同时实现增效降本。

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Dr. Helmut Hildebrandt

Dr. Helmut Hildebrandt

Dr. Helmut Hildebrandt is Chairman of the Board at OptiMedis AG, located in Hamburg, Germany. He spent many years on the board of the International Foundation of Integrated Care and is a long-serving member of the German Managed Care Association, where he works to improve incentives to improve health outcomes for patients in Germany and abroad.

He has a wealth of experience in qualitative research and in conceptual work in the field of health promotion and organizational development. His focus is on building and managing regional, population-based integrated care systems. One of the leading systems in Germany, Gesundes Kinzigtal, was founded by Dr. Hildebrandt and now serves as an example for similar projects in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands.
Dr. phil. Christoph Löschmann

Dr. phil. Christoph Löschmann

Dr. phil. Christoph Löschmann has been CEO of Gesundes Kinzigtal GmbH since 2019. He holds a degree in psychology and has over 30 years of experience in the healthcare sector. For about 15 years, Dr. Löschmann worked at the University of Freiburg in the fields of research, teaching and patient care. After this he held several leading positions in the healthcare sector.

With Gesundes Kinzigtal, he is heading a patient-oriented, integrated healthcare care management company that operates an integrated care system on a poulation healh basis.

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